Billboard with Eight Malfunctioning Lights
(headphones recommended)
- iPhone video recorded in industrial alley off I-96
- Audio recorded on overheating iMac the next day
*Three audio tracks overlayed
- Track A.) consistent hum attempting to mimic sound of adjacent highway traffic.
- Track B.) four notes played in lower octave to represent each of the four back lights.
- Track C.) same four notes played two octaves higher (in their own order) to represent each of the four front lights.
Each note was assigned to a specific light
- Watched video once and hit notes in sync with back lights.
- Watched video a second time hit notes in sync with front lights.
- Attempted to hit key with each light flash which rendered itself pretty much impossible due to the speed of flickering.
- Would end up hearing some sort of melody in the randomness of the notes and have to stop myself from trying to make something that sounded cohesive and instead continue to attempt to only respond to the lights flickering.
- Ironic that malfunctioning of the lights actually drew my attention to an otherwise overlooked sign.
***Idea for next project to help fund schooling: Start sign company that specializes in faulty lights.
Billboard with Eight Malfunctioning Lights
(headphones recommended)
- iPhone video recorded in industrial alley off I-96
- Audio recorded on overheating iMac the next day
*Three audio tracks overlayed
- Track A.) consistent hum attempting to mimic sound of adjacent highway traffic.
- Track B.) four notes played in lower octave to represent each of the four back lights.
- Track C.) same four notes played two octaves higher (in their own order) to represent each of the four front lights.
Each note was assigned to a specific light
- Watched video once and hit notes in sync with back lights.
- Watched video a second time hit notes in sync with front lights.
- Attempted to hit key with each light flash which rendered itself pretty much impossible due to the speed of flickering.
- Would end up hearing some sort of melody in the randomness of the notes and have to stop myself from trying to make something that sounded cohesive and instead continue to attempt to only respond to the lights flickering.
- Ironic that malfunctioning of the lights actually drew my attention to an otherwise overlooked sign.
***Idea for next project to help fund schooling: Start sign company that specializes in faulty lights.